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Juicy Tomato and Basil Salad
Nothing is better than a ripe juicy tomato in the summertime. And because it’s hot and nobody wants to slave over a hot stove or heat up...
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Shishito Peppers – a great appetizer
Do you love shishito peppers from your favorite Japanese restaurant? Well – now you can make them at home. So easy and so delicious!...
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Healthy Muffins
.Try these healthy banana cinnamon muffins for a snack or dessert. Print Deanne’s Perfect Vegan Pad Thai Serving Size: 4-6 Ingredients 8...
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Easy Party Appetizer
This is a super easy and fast, healthy dish you can bring to any party. Everyone loves Ceviche!! You can purchase all of the ingredients...
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Great Kale Snack
Whenever you are craving the saltiness of chips or popcorn, substitute this snack in for more nutrition. And if you have kids, they will...
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Yummy Muffins
Try these muffins for breakfast, dessert or a snack. Print Blueberry Banana Muffins Yield: 12 Ingredients 3 C almond flour 1/4 tsp sea...
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Heavenly Hard-boiled Egg
Print Bite Size Caprese Yield: 6 ** Follow this recipe on Sunday and make enough eggs for a week's worth of snacks ans meals for the...
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Try this “oh so yummy” Chocolate Bar
Print Wunderbar Prep Time: 25 minutes Yield: 16 bars Ingredients 1 tsp olive oil 2 oz dark, excellent quality chocolate (60-72% cacoa...
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Summer is the Season for Juicy Tomatoes
During the summer, I find myself eating lots of locally-grown, ripe and juicy tomatoes. Have you ever experienced a farmer’s market...
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